Hello! We've been pretty quiet this summer but behind these closed doors we've been producing some fantastic projects for good causes that we'd love to share with you.
The Crimson Wave - a charity who's aims are to combat period poverty, and deliver inclusive, honest and powerful education in greater Manchester. We teamed up with these guys to produce an animated explainer video aimed towards school children to help educate and remove the stigma surrounding periods. The voiceover and script was beautifully done by their own Anisa Juma. Here's the final animation:
Viable Community - based in the Hague, Netherlands, Viable Community are a legal entity in the EU who's ideology and ethos is based around regeneration and restoration. They buy, fence, clean, plant, reintroduce animal species, monitor and much much more! We teamed up with these guys to create an animated video for their new website (coming soon) which highlights what the charity is all about and what it means to be involved. You can check this out here:
As always, we love to be involved in these kind of projects as it's something that we hold close to our hearts. It's the kind of brighter future which we are all striving towards and we like to know that we're doing our part, no matter how big or small it is!